For Educational purpose only and to raise Intellectual and Political awareness!
Author: Shaykh Nasir al-Fahd
The Exposition Regrading the Disbelief of the one that Assists the Americans.
When the events of September 11th took
place in America, from day one, those in authority there immediately
accused (some of the Muslimīn) of being behind the actions. Before the
investigations were completed, they began to prepare for their general
crusader campaign in order to finish off Islām under the name: “The War
Against Terrorism,” and despite their clear and obvious targeting of
Islām in this campaign, there are some from the naïve ones or hypocrites
who may delude and deceive with their words. Therefore, I shall mention
in the following section clear-cut and irrefutable proofs that prove
that this campaign is directed against Islām.
The evidences that I shall mention are divided into two categories:
Category One: General Evidences
Category Two: Specific Evidences
As for the First Category: the general evidences, they are from the Sharī’ah and the current affairs.
As for what is from the Sharī’ah
Allāh the Glorified clearly declared
the enmity of the disbelievers towards the Muslimīn and that they will
not cease fighting them until they are able to cause them to turn away
from their Dīn and that they will not be pleased except with the
Muslimīn entering into their way and that their enmity will never cease:
The Most High said, “And al-fitnah is
worse than killing. And they will never cease fighting you until they
turn you back from your way if they can.”
The Most High said, “Never will the
Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you [O Muhammad (sallallāhu
‘alayhi wa sallam)] till you follow their way.”
The Most High said, “They wish that you disbelieve, as they have disbelieved, and thus that you all become equal.”
The Most High said, “Should they gain
the upper hand over you, they would behave to you as enemies, and
stretch forth their hands and their tongues against you with evil, and
they desire that you should disbelieve.”
The Most High said, “Many of the
People of the Book wish that if they could turn you away as disbelievers
after you have believed, out of envy from their own selves, even, after
the truth has become manifest unto them.”
The Most High said, “O you who
believe! If you obey a group of those who were given the Scripture (Jews
and Christians), they would (indeed) render you disbelievers after you
have believed!”
The Most High said, “O you who
believe! If you obey those who disbelieve, they will send you back on
your heels, and you will turn back (from Faith) as losers.”
The Most High said, “Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, but what their breasts conceal is far worse.”
As far as the current affairs
The one who follows and observes both
ancient and modern history will find that the enmity of the kuffār, from
the Jews and Christian and others has never ceased being directed
towards the Muslimīn. In the past generations, the Christians have waged
seven crusader campaigns and after these campaigns finished they were
followed up with the colonial imperialist campaign wherein they occupied
most of the Muslim lands for numerous years and sowed corruption
inside. After those modern crusading campaigns (or Isti’mār as they
wrongly name it for in reality it is destruction and demolishment), the
“nations” campaign began under the auspices of the “United Nations”
whereby they struck the Muslimīn everywhere and placed embargoes upon
them – all in compliance with the resolutions of the United Nations.
They struck ‘Iraq and placed an embargo upon it for more than ten years
and destroyed the crops and offspring.
Israel has developed the lands of
Palestine and in the process destroyed thousands of Muslimīn. On a
similar note is what they did in Sudan, Libya, Lebanon, Somalia,
Afghānistān, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Chechnya, Kashmīr, Futani,
Timor, the Malaku Islands and other lands of the Muslimīn. They expelled
and killed millions of them. All of this is besides the missionary
campaigns that their churches wage against the lands of the Muslimīn.
They will never hold back their enmity towards the Muslimīn ever and
their filth, even if it decreases on occasion, shall never disappear.
As for the Second Category: the specific evidences.
There are a group of evidences that this campaign is in reality a crusader campaign against Islām. From these evidences:
1) The President of America declared with his tongue in a press
conference that this is a “Crusade” (6/28/1422). They attempted to
apologize for this word but it was too late.
“Hatred has already appeared from their mouths, but what their breasts conceal is far worse.”
2) What Bush mentioned was also stated by the gray haired ones of
Britain, Thatcher, and the Prime Minister of Italy Berlusconi and this
occurred only days after the event. They spoke against Islām and not
against the so-called terrorists. The actual words of Berlusconi were:
“We must be aware of the superiority of our civilization, a system that
has guaranteed well-being, respect for human rights and – in contrast
with Islamic countries – respect for religious and political rights, a
system that has as its values understandings of diversity and tolerance.
The West will continue to conquer peoples, like it conquered Communism,
even if it means a confrontation with another civilization, the Islamic
one, stuck where it was 1,400 years ago.”
As long as the campaign is directed against terrorism and Islām encourages terrorism, the results are obvious!
3) In front of the congress after the events, Bush delivered a speech
that lasted 34 minutes. Clapping and applause interrupted him during
this speech 29 times. In this speech he spoke of the battle against
terrorism where in realty his speech was directed against Islām for he
spoke against the Sharī’ah that the Tālibān implemented and not against
the Tālibān themselves. He mentioned them preventing people from cutting
their beards and forcing the hijāb and preventing music, singing, and
dancing and so on. All of this is from the teachings of Islām and the
Sharī’ah of the Prophet Muhammad ibn ‘Abdillāh (sallāhu ‘alayhi wa
sallam) and not the Sharī’ah of al-Mullaā Muhammad ‘Umar, therefore the
Tālibān is not alone in it!
4) From the expressions that are employed by Bush and his customers
in this war are those found in the Torah (Old Testament) such as: “the
battle against evil,” “the battle between good and evil,” “the war of
the righteous against the wicked,” and other such expressions.
5) The American and Western people began to impose difficulties and
hardships upon the Muslimīn. Some of them were killed while some were
beaten and yet others were harmed. Some masājid were attacked by arson
and so on. All of this is with the knowledge that none of them had any
part in these events, nay, it is the “terrorists” that they claim are in
the caves of Afghānistān. However, all of them (the Muslimīn) share in
the quality: Islām. This is also how their government has behaved as
well for they have implemented mass imprisonment of hundreds of
6) The American journalists and others have clearly declared that
this is a war against Islām. From them, David Selborne in what he wrote
under the title: “This is Not a War Against Terrorism, It is a War
Against Islam.” And the National Review under the title: “This is War.”
From what was stated in this article: “The nation has been invaded by a
fanatical, murderous cult. We should invade their countries, kill their
leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren’t punctilious about
locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We
carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That’s war. And this
is war.”
Another example is what appeared in
the cover article of the weekly magazine that is produced by the New
York Times, issue number 7/10/2001 wherein it states: “It is a religious
war” in six pages and the shortened title on the cover says: “Who Says
That It is Not About Religion?” This long article was written by Andrew
Sullivan and he mentioned that this is a religious war. Certainly, the
articles like this are many.
7) America declared its goals in the first campaign in twenty-seven goals, and all of them are against Islām!
8) It mentioned that the countries that support terrorism are sixty
in number. The number of Islāmic countries is fifty-six, so if you were
to add to it the countries that have Islāmic Jehād movements such as
Philippines, Macedonia, and others, it reaches sixty countries!
9) They declared that their strike against Afghanistan is only a
small portion of their far-reaching war against terrorism. From this is
what Richard Myers, the head of the coalition forces on Sunday, declared
8/5/1422H coinciding with 10/22/2001 wherein he responded to a question
that was asked by the ABC station which inquired if there were any
other goals besides Afghanistan. He stated: “This is a global war on
terrorism and weapons of mass destruction. So Afghanistan is only one
small piece. So of course we’re thinking very broadly. I would say since
World War II we haven’t thought this broadly about a campaign…”
10) They claim that their target is “terrorism” and they claim that
the organizations that they have selected are “terrorist movements.”
The question that becomes clear in this evidence is: Why did they leave the other terrorist movements such as:
- a) The Japanese Red Army Faction (Idol Worshippers)
- b) The Irish Republican Army (Catholics)
- c) The Cuban Liberation Army (Communists)
- d) The Radical Right-Wing Christians in America (Protestants)
- e) The Drug Barons in South America
- f) The Mafia in Europe
As well as others?
No doubt the answer is clear and that
is they have only left them because of the absence of the sought after
shared quality in this campaign which is Islām.
11) They mentioned Islāmic movements that are fighting foreign
occupation such as the Kashmīrī Mujāhidūn that are fighting the slaves
of cows and the Mujāhidūn of the Philippines that are fighting the
Christians – they consider them terrorist movements.
The question that becomes clear from this evidence is: If independence groups are from terrorism then why did they leave off:
- a) The Tamils in Sri Lanka (Idol Worshippers)
- b) The Christian army led by (John) Garang in southern Sudan (Christians)
- c) The Irish Republican Army in Britain (Christians)
As well as other groups?
The answer to this is clear it is that all of these groups are missing the one sought after quality and that is Islām.
12) In this campaign of theirs they have gathered all of the Atlantic
treaty nations (NATO) along with Russia, China, Japan, Korea, India,
and other countries. Some of them participated though financing while
others through support operations, others through political support,
some with military bases and some with military assistance – America has
even gathered over one third of its military power in this campaign.
The question that becomes clear through this evidence is:
Does the apprehension of one man or
the defeat of one country that is from the poorest of countries and from
the most backward in terms of economic and military development need
this entire gathering of forces?
The obvious answer for everyone of
intellect is: What is truly behind this gathering of forces is much more
than the mere apprehension of one man or defeat of a nation; it is in
fact an apprehending against every Islāmic country or Islāmic movement or
Islāmic Jehād movement in any place of the Muslimin.
13) Ever since the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the
so-called “Cold War,” the West has taken Islām as their prime enemy. In
fact, many of their leaders have declared this and numerous books have
been authored on this. From them the book: “America and Political Islam,
A Clash of Civilizations or Conflict of Interests?” by Fawaz Jarjūs.
Likewise the book of Nixon: “Victory Without Battle” In it he said: “And
in the Islamic world from Morocco to Indonesia, Islamic fundamentalism
has taken the place of communism in terms of what is considered the
primary course of violent change.”
The former General Secretary of the
Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) stated in one of their
meetings in the year 1412H after the fall of the Soviet Union: “After
the end of the cold war and fall of the red enemy, the Northern Atlantic
Treaty nations and all of the nations of Europe must forget their
differences between them and focus their vision on what is in front of
them in order to see an enemy that is lying in wait for it that must be
dealt with on a united front and that is Islamic fundamentalism.”
The Russian Christian Orthodox
President Putin said in the last meeting with the Commonwealth Nations
in the year 1421H: “Islamic Fundamentalism is the sole danger that
threatens the modern world today and it is the sole danger that
threatens world peace and security. The Fundamentalists have strength
and they are racing to establish a unified country that stretches from
Philippines to Kosovo. They proceed out from Afghanistan, which is
considered the base of their movements so if the world does not hasten
to deal with them they will certainly attain their goals. Russia needs
world support in order to fight fundamentalism in the southern Caucasus
14) Many of the politicians of America believe in a great world
battle (Armageddon) which, according to their claim, is a great battle
between the forces of “good” (Christians) and the forces of “evil.” From
the staunchest of them in this belief is the current minister of
defense Rumsfeld. For more details concerning their words, see: ‘al b’ud
ad- dīni li hamlati-bush as salībiyyah ala’al alām al-Islāmi wa
alāqatuhu bi mukhattit Isrā’īl al- kubrā’ [The Religious Deminsions of
the Crusader Campaign of Bush against the Islāmic World and its
Relations to the Plan for a Greater Isreal] by Yūsuf Tawīl.
These are some evidences and what I
have left out is more than what I have mentioned, therefore, whoever
desires more detail, let him go back to the book: al bu’d ad dīni of
Tawīl and the book: “The Reality of the New Crusader Campaign” by
Salāhuddīn al-Ayyūbī.
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