What is the ruling on those who say, “Our Jewish, Christian and Shi’ah brothers” as a form of Da’wah, and they interpret the verses in Surah Ash-Shu’ara that what is intended by that is brothers in humanity?
Shaykh Nasir Al Fahd fakk (Allahu asrahu) responded by saying:
As for their statement of considering the Jews and Christians as brothers, I have written a treatise before I came to prison regarding this in response against Al Qardawi, however it did not get published because I did not finish it, and this (interpretation) is corrupt, because brotherhood has two categories, with no third !
– Brotherhood in Deen:
"Verily, the believers are but brothers"
– Brotherhood with family:
"And to the ‘Aad [We sent] their brother Hūd"
And between them and those who they take as brothers, there is no unity in Deen nor common family ties, so what kind of brotherhood do they claim? Moreover, it is a negator of Walaa and Baraa, and the evidences for that are too many too specify.
As for their evidences from Surah Ash-Shu’ara, then it is an evidence against them, for 2 reasons:
"When their brother Nūh said to them, (Will you not fear Allah?)",
"Their brother Hūd"
"Their brother Sālih"
"Their brother Lūt"
All of this is regarding brotherhood of common family ties, as the
Arabs say to the Tamīmī, “O brother from Tamīm”, and this is well known
in the Arabic Language.
2. That Allah said:
"The companions of the thicket denied the Messengers, When Shu’ayb
said to them, Will you not fear Allah?”
Whilst He said in another
"And to Madyan [We sent] their brother Shu’ayb"
So look at the difference when He attributed them to their tribe, He said:
"their brother Shu’ayb", and when He attributed shirk to them:
"The companions of the thicket"
He disconnected the brotherhood and did not mention it, and this is
from the clearest proofs in responding against them, so He disconnected
the brotherhood of common family ties when He attributed shirk to them,
so what then about those who do not agree with them in Deen, nor share
any common family ties? And Allah knows best.
Answered by Ash-Shaykh Al ‘Allamah Nasir ibnu Hamad Al Fahd (fakk Allahu asrah) - Fatawaa Hariyyah
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