“The Shari’ah ruling is that Muslims
should not do any particular thing on the religious festivals of
unbelievers which they do not normally do in other days. Rather, they
should treat these days like any other ordinary day. The Prophet (saws)
had prohibited his Companions from sports and enjoyment on two
particular days on which pre-Islamic Arabs used to hold sports.
Likewise, he forbade them to sacrifice their animals at the places where the polytheists used to celebrate their festivals.”
He then goes no to mention:
“The unbelievers celebrate with much pomp
and show a festival on the 25th of December in the belief that it is the
birth day of prophet Jesus (as). The rituals associated
with the Christians, for example, lighting fire, preparing sweet dishes,
etc. are undesirable. It is an article of faith with Christians that it
is a holy day. This view does not have any basis in
Islam. This festival is not reported in the days of our pious
predecessors. On later days, Muslims appear to have borrowed it from the
This is a Christian belief and Muslims are forbidden to entertain it.”
He then goes no to mention:
“Muslims are prohibited from joining these religious festivals of the people of the book and other unbelievers; on two grounds:
First: it represents a resemblance to the unbelievers.
Second: these are acts of innovations.
All such festivals and fairs which have
come to vogue as a result of innovation are to be treated in the same
way, whether these resemble the practice of the unbelievers or not.”
[Taken from “Mukhtasar Iqtidhaa’ As-Siraat Al-Mustaqeem” by Ibn Taymiyyah, p. 17-18]
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