A brother made this statement yesterday with regard to my recent criticism of Yassir Qadhi:
Salaamualaikum akhi pls is about time u settle peace with yassir qhadi
because i hope u are doing dawah the work of Allah and one should
correct the other in terms of any mistake so that u may leave in peace
so we the ones learning from you too may also be free from any confusion
My response follows:
Assalamulaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu dear brother in Islam:
Thank you for taking the time to respond, and for your care and concern in promoting unity amongst the believers, indeed Allah, aza wa jaal, says in the Quran,
إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ إِخْوَةٌ فَأَصْلِحُوا بَيْنَ أَخَوَيْكُمْ وَا,
Surely the believers are brothers so make peace between your brothers! (Hujarat:10)
Now, it is
generally true that criticizing another, particularly an imam, is of the
highest form of backbiting. However there are exceptions. This was
perhaps most concisely outlined by Imam Nawawi (raa) in his classic work
Riyadh al-Saliheen, in intro to his chapter on the permissibility of
backbiting. He (raa) stated that the ulama are agreed that backbiting is
permissible in six situations: oppression, seeking assistance in
changing an evil and returning a sinner back to what is correct, seeking
a fatwa, warning and advising the Muslims against evil, when one openly
exposes his evil or innovation, and in defining someone.
Thank you for taking the time to respond, and for your care and concern in promoting unity amongst the believers, indeed Allah, aza wa jaal, says in the Quran,
إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ إِخْوَةٌ فَأَصْلِحُوا بَيْنَ أَخَوَيْكُمْ وَا,
Surely the believers are brothers so make peace between your brothers! (Hujarat:10)
Nevertheless it must be understood that our peace and cooperation in
the call to Allah, (aza wa jaal), and His Messenger (saws) must be based
upon the path of the prophet (saws) alone, and must not be adulterated.
This is why the Prophet (saws) would end the khutbahtu-hajja by
explaining that any innovation is misguidance and that all of
misguidance is in the fire. He (saws) also stressed that the thing he
feared most for the ummah was the “evil imams,” and warned that there
will be 73 sects of Muslims in the End of Times with all of them in the
fire except one: the sect following the Prophet (saws) and his
companions (raa).
The problem we have with Yasir Qadhi, and the
majority of imams in the United States, is the clear contradiction
between their statements and actions, their twisting the definitions of
words and clear meanings of Quran and Sunnah in order to manipulate the
ignorant masses, their allying with the kuffar against the Muslims, and
their trying to create a new American, or western madhhab that justifies
sitting silent, like a deaf mute shaytaan, in the West, and also
benefiting from the West’s imperialism, a quality of life dependent on
the oppression and slaughter of the Muslim masses.
(raa) then stated that the Muslims should, “Know that although
backbiting is forbidden, it becomes permissible under certain
circumstances when done for a beneficial reason. That which makes it
allowable is a valid and legitimate goal, which cannot be achieved
except by doing it.”
While we could write a whole book on Yassir
Qadhi and Co.’s violation of each of these six situations, it is
particularly important that we highlight what Imam Nawawi explained with
regard to warning the Muslims against evil. He (raa) explains that one
circumstance where this is applicable is when, “you see a student going
to an innovator or a deviant, seeking to attain knowledge from him, and
you fear that it may affect the student. In that situation, you must
advise him about the state of that innovator, on the condition that your
intention only be for the sake of advising.”
It is my
contention that Yasir Qadhi, and others like him, fall into this
category. Yassir Qadhi remained completely silent for many years about
U.S. foreign policy. He said nothing about the atrocities being
committed across the globe, but now we have seen him come out recently
emphasizing that the West’s foreign policy in Muslim lands needs to be
acknowledged. Unfortunately, it is too late to speak now about it, and
when people like me were speaking about it while it was unfolding, these
American imams were the first to tell people to stay away from us. When
they were silent during the false invasion of Iraq, when they told the
Muslims to vote for Obama, when they sit with the kuffar, when Yassir
Qadhi sits in the presence of Tony Blair, studying his globalized
dajjalic understanding of religion at Yale, and stays mute about the
false yellow-cake memo the Brits used to invade Iraq, and there are
many, many other issues then he represents a common stream that
underscores how the American Muslim leadership has failed this ummah.
Now, we might make excuses for them that they were either ignorant or
in fear, but that is not sufficient. The consequences of their silence
are much too severe. For example, a recent report by Physicians for
Social Responsibility concluded that the War on Terror “has, directly or
indirectly, killed around 1 million people in Iraq, 220,000 in
Afghanistan and 80,000 in Pakistan, i.e. a total of around 1.3 million.
Not included in this figure are further war zones such as Yemen. The
figure is approximately 10 times greater than that of which the public,
experts and decision makers are aware of and propagated by the media and
major NGOs. And this is only a conservative estimate”
It is
convenient that Yassir Qadhi and Co, want to highlight foreign policy
today, but, put plainly, it is hypocritical for it is much too late. The
United States destroyed, and now is leaving, the Middle East and South
East Asia. They still attack by plane and drone, but they fund proxy
forces, such as the Afghan, Iraqi, Egyptian, Saudi and Israeli
militaries. Now, jihad against these proxies is certainly permissible,
but you’ll never hear Qadhi say it. Additionally, if Qadhi is so opposed
to foreign policy, why won’t he educate the ummah about the way the war
is now being fought by these indirect methods, by way of arming proxy
forces, always kuffar, to kill, maim and plunder Sunnis? It is far to
easy to complain now that the damage is done, but it is always deception
to not talk about the specific manner the War on Terror is now
And that is not the worst of it. As a matter of fact,
the reason he is talking about foreign policy now is even more sinister.
You see, Yassir Qadhi and Co., they predict that there will be enormous
funding for what is called CVE (countering violent extremism). That is
the battle for hearts and minds, which is basically a compromise where
you get to live a good life as an American Muslim (from dunya
perspective), but you must accept US control over the international
arena. As Malcolm put it: when the house negro “sees the master’s house
burn, he tries to put the fire out.” That is what Yassir Qadhi is doing,
trying to calm the Muslims down so that they think about marriage,
cars, jobs and other dunya matters. So that they are preoccupied with
good deeds (hasanat) but are totally twisted in minhaj (methodology )
and aqeedah (creed). And particularly so that they don’t really
understand that the spider’s web that is the American Empire could
crumble at any given moment. He is seeking profit, not the Prophet, from
Islam and there are many like him.
So, the reason Yassir Qadhi
wants to say that the foreign policy created those conditions, is not to
defend the ‘weak’ ill-treated and oppressed, but to preserve the high
quality of life American Muslims enjoy, and so that they can portray
Islam as a religion of peace even while they are in a justified war that
none of the imams are explaining properly. That approach was outlined
by the Rand Corporations review of CVE where they recommended that the
US ally with imams that talk about US foreign policy but that are
totally nonviolent, and call to peace and tolerance, even in arenas
where jihad is waajib. Here is how they framed it:
“It is worth
concluding this report by emphasizing an important and undergirding
message: The U.S. government and private funders must play the role of
facilitator rather than orchestrator. This is the key lesson learned
from the Google Ideas initiative, where orchestrators quickly abandoned a
centrally directed media campaign and instead played the role of
enabler by building skills, facilitating funding, and helping activists
forge new connections. Ultimately, the message belonged solely to the
individual activists. This approach entails some risk as activists will
criticize policies of the U.S. government or advocate views that
seemingly diverge from the mainstream. The challenge comes in
appreciating that such authenticity and criticism only serve to empower
what is hoped to be a core message of peace and tolerance.” http://www.rand.org/…/research_r…/RR100/RR130/RAND_RR130.pdf
That means the USG cannot control the message and that they must be
careful to have others fund it (i.e. Google), but that the risk of
criticism of US foreign policy, now that the Muslims of the Middle East
are fed up with the international order, is more important. And that is
what Yassirt Qadhi wants, more money, more fame, and notoriety and, in
the process, he twists the religion. They call to a deen without dignity
and one of humiliation for the masses, while they live an affluent
existence, robbing the donors at their conferences blind and working at
Western institutions. Anyone that lives here in America can see that
Muslims have essentially become mute monkeys, scared little cowards with
no understanding, yet believing that these imams are leading them to
So, in conclusion, it is imperative that the people come
to expose the evil of these imams, just as they condemn acts of true
extremism. We can make peace with Yassir Qadhi and the American imams,
only when they command the good and forbid evil, struggle in the way of
Allah where it is applicable, are humble to the believers, firm with the
disbelievers and never fear the blame of the blamers (5:54). Until
then, we ask that Allah sets our intention only on pleasing Him (ta ala)
and that He (swt) replace them and revive (tajdeed) not replace
(tabdeel) the true religion of Allah and His Messenger. Whether it is
Malcolm X talking about house-negroes versus field-negroes, or Ibn
Taymia exclaiming that “the foundation of this Deen is a guiding Book
and a supporting sword, but sufficient is your Lord as a Guide and
Helper.” These imams have no business trying to equate their efforts
today to the way of the companions who had the baseerah to understand
all this. I hope that this response is beneficial. I responded in a bit
of detail to try to give it sufficient (although not complete)
attention. Baraka’Allahu feekum!
Yassir Qadhi here on the need to address foreign policy in order to
combat the threat of extremism. Must be nice to have the luxury of
condemning foreign policy and intervention years later. Where was Yassir
Qadhi during the run-up to the Iraq War, sitting in Saudia with the
government aligned scholars. Where was Yassir Qadhi in 2008 when Obama
stayed mute on Israeli aggression in Gaza. Qadhi was supporting Obama
for president. And where was Yassir Qadhi in the interim years? He was
at Yale posing in the New York Times with his Macintosh laptop. He said
nothing about drones, or Abu Ghraib or anything until Obama set forth
his Strategic Implementation Plan for Countering Violent Extremism and
it looked like USG money was coming down the pipes.
This article
"Qadhi is an expert in Salafi Islam, with advanced
degrees from Medina University in Saudi Arabia and Yale University. It
is the same puritanical approach to Islam practiced by Awlaki. That made
Qadhi particularly well-suited to challenge Awlaki’s unusual and
extremist views."
"Yet, he did not."
“I, myself, was
scared of my own government,” Qadhi admits. He said in the wake of the
9/11 attacks he and his family were harassed and intimidated by the US
government. Like many others in the Muslim community, Qadhi decided to
keep a low profile and become apolitical.
Today, he regrets that decision."
That is a load of hogwash. These people were not scared. There was no
money in it and Yassir Qadhi is incapable of performing such a task. It
is convenient to blame all your woes on the USG, and in this plea for
profit, another profit of Islam is exposed. Talking about US foreign
policy and its horrendous record in the Muslim world is one thing, but
using it in a cunning way that tries to position one's self for funding
is exploitative and fraudulent. That is all these imams are, complete
frauds. They had nothing to say about violent extremism for over 10
years because there was no money in it for them. Now they (and RAND)
realize that their previous silence and implicit support for American
atrocities has rendered them unable to hold sway in the radical realms.
It is the latest in a long-line of manipulations. First we witnessed
our 'scholars' sit silent at the early part of the War, now that they
fight us indirectly and with proxy forces in the Muslim world, they'll
criticize the U.S. for what it did 10 years ago. As a consequence,
they'll keep the ummah backwards, reacting to what has already occurred,
never courageous enough to speak the bitter truth as it unfolds. The
only reason that no one Yassir Qadhi has ever spoken with has traveled
to Syria or Iraq is because as soon as he is done talking to them, he
calls the FBI. Don't believe for one minute he's not on the payroll.
Yassir Qadhi, and those profits like him, are complete Loons! You are
not a critic and were no voice of dissent. In fact, you were complicit.
Your silence was consent and its too late to criticize theses issues now.
Its pathetic to seek to manipulate them in order to portray yourself as
an independant voice. We "radicals" read the RAND report on CVE as well
Yassir, and you are merely following its recommendations. You want to
counter violent extremism? Start by being sincere.
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To turn tables on ISIS at home, start asking unsettling ...
State Department runs a Twitter account called “Think AgainTurn Away”
that tries to confront and dispute radical tweeters with counter tweets.
There a...
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In his this lecture, Yassir Qadhi defines the "jamaah" here as the majority of the ummah's
opinion. First as evidence he quotes the hadith narrated in Abu Daood
that, "indeed my nation will not gather upon misguidance - so if you see
differing than adhere to the vast majority." This hadith is DAEEF and
is a perfect example of the manipulation we see from our leadership
In truth, the concept of the jamaah is adherence to the
salaf. Abdullah ibn Masood would say, "You are the majority (jamaah)
even if you are by yourself." Ibn Kathir explained that the authentic
hadith, "upon you is to adhere to the jamhour- the truth and its
people," that "so the people of the truth constitute the majority of the
nation, especially in the first generation you would harldy find anyone
upon misguidance or innovation. As for the later generation, there wil
continue a group upon the truth." Brothers and Sisters this is the age
of the ghurubaa and American mainstream Islam is not on the manhaj of
the salaf in any way shape or form. Do not be deceived.
Albani once highlighted this by explaining that scholars such as Imam
Nawawi, Ibn Hajr mean by jamhour, in every time and place, that "they
are referring to the time before them, to the salaf." The word jamhour
means majority of the scholars. To be different from the scholars
without evidence is not permissible. So, what about these hypocrites
that make it ijmaa to ally with the mushrikeen against the Muslims, to
rule by other than what Allah has revealed, to reside amongst the kuffar
and be content with that even while they are waging war against the
ummah, that make it haram to break idols, to defend the deen and the
general Muslims?
And please don't be afraid to question these
false profits of Islam. Yasir Qadhi took the platform of Tony Blair at
Yale, a concept that involves the pathway toward the one world religion
of the dajjal, it is the gobalization of religion. Reject their
conspiring against this ummah and making it ok to live pleased in the
core of empire while Muslims on the periphery suffer and the American
Muslim sits mute. This from a man that likes to pronounce while on hajj
that he is "certified genius." Yet, the content of his speech and the
hypocrisy in it is easy for even an amateur to diagnose.
definition of the jamah is the companions and the ijma of those that
follow them until the day of judgement. Here Yassir Qadhi has made
'jamah' a democratic property of the ummah and a self-seeking platform
follows from that premise. It is as if to say that the outliers of a
normally distributed ummah can always automatically be ruled out on the
grounds they are extreme. However, in an age of humiliation and the
lifting of knowledge, all arguments as such, are ruled out for the
position of the sahaba and not popular opinion is the mean from which
assessments begin. With that medium altered, Yassir Qadhi goes to the
liberal left and his irja is exposed, and those adhering to the proper
concept of jamaah are noticed for the black swans they truly are! Islam
is not a polularity contest. Had Yassir Qadhi not denounced his previous
views there would have been no Yale, no professorship and no money to
make that ever bludgeoning tummy grow.
In the hadith he starts
with he explains that when the companion told the Prophet (saws) he
required the injured man make wudo, the prophet (saws) asked him
vehemently, "Is not asking the cure for a lack of knowledge." Yassir
Qadhi needs to go back and ask his state sanctioned scholars for a
proper defintion of jamaah and jamhour!
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