“To the Honourable Shaykh Abu Qataada, may Allaah keep you steadfast.
Assalaamu ‘Alaykum Wa-Rahmat-Allaahi Wa-Barakaatu.
To proceed:
My question concerns an issue, which has confused me and I believe it has confused others as well. And that is the difference between a man who is a Murji’ee and a man who has Irjaa’ in him. And the truth is, that this question was raised when one of the young men who denies the Irjaa’ of Shaykh Al-Albaanee, telephoned one of the Shaykhs, who have been witnessed to the correct ‘Aqeedah and one whom has always taught the correct ‘Aqeedah.
And he endured the effort in contacting him an asked him about Shaykh Al-Albaanee, may Allaah be merciful to him and forgive him, if he was Murji’ee or not. So he answered him that Shaykh Al-Albaanee, may Allaah be merciful to him, had the correct ‘Aqeedah; however, his speech met with that of the Murji’yah. So I failed to understand what was meant by this.
Secondly, I have a cassette tape, in which Shaykh Al-Albaanee was discussing with one of his students, about Eemaan and he said that the actions are (merely) a condition of the completeness of Eemaan (i.e. Shart Kamal) and he also said that he is aware that some people have called him by that name (i.e. Murji’ee) but this is the correct matter (i.e. regarding actions). And I believe that your virtuous self must have heard this cassette tape.
So my question is:
What is the condition of Shaykh Al-Albaanee, may Allaah be merciful to him, and the condition of his followers, who have filled the world with their claims. I apologize for exceeding in time and may Allaah reward you.
In the name of Allaah, the Merciful, the Most Kind and from Him we seek help.
The difference between the saying that a man is Kharaajee or a man has Kharaajee’ah in him and their saying that a man is Murji’ee or a man has Irjaa’ in him is due to the difference of the condition of the two men.
So the man who adheres to the ‘Usl of the Bid’ah and calls to it, is the one who is attributed to it indefinitely (i.e. Murji’ee). However, the one who does not adhere to the ‘Usl of the Bid’ah and does not adopt this ‘Usl could possibly fall into its implications or some of its Furoo’ and this one is described with this attribute (i.e. Irjaa’ as opposed to being a Murji’ee).
This is the difference but the answer of the one who was questioned about Shaykh Al-Albaanee, may Allaah be merciful to him, was ambiguous. This is because he said that Shaykh Al-Albaanee’s ‘Aqeedah was correct and he only mentioned his speech and his phrasing and he declared that these were mistaken and this is not (completely) correct.
While, Shaykh Al-Albaanee’s Usool in belief are from the Sunnah, he has taken the appearance of Irjaa’ in his beliefs (as well). So he (i.e. Al-Albaanee) is saying that Eemaan is statements and actions; however, he explains this statement in a way, which differs with Ahl us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah. And this was where he fell into Irjaa’, which was his saying that actions can not be a condition for existence (i.e. Shart Sihhah) of Eemaan. So this (concept) is present with his declaration that statements and beliefs are a condition for the existence (i.e. Shart Sihhah) of Eemaan. So he differentiated between actions and statements which is opposite to what the Salaf said and that is indeed, the birth of the Meth’haab of Irjaa’. And Shaykh Al-Albaanee did not merely make a mistake in his speech; rather he also made a mistake in his beliefs. And he struck the Meth’haab of Irjaa’ in some of its Furoo’.
And some of those who claim in their defence of this accusation have attempted to raise some statements from the Salaf such as Imaam Ahmad, may Allaah be merciful to him, who said that Eemaan is statements and actions and they say that Al-Albaanee also says that Eemaan is statements and actions.
And accordingly, they clear him from Irjaa’. But this saying is not scientific for those who understand the Metha’haab and the groups. And to demonstrate the mischief of this example, I’ll offer this example:
The Ashaa’ira says that the Qur’aan is the speech of Allaah Ta’aalaa. So is this saying sufficient to make them – in this matter – upon the belief of the Prophet (sallahu-alayhi wassalam)and his Sahabah and those who followed them in this issue?
The Answer: Every student of knowledge knows the answer; no.
And this statement (i.e. “The Qur’aan is the Speech of Allaah.”) – Although it is correct – does not make them upon the correct belief. And the reason is that they explain this statement in a way, which opposes the way that the Salaf did.
Even though they say a correct word, they interpret it in a way, which is outside the boundaries of the truth that is known by its people. So they (i.e. the Ashaa’ira) make the Speech to be a (mere) expression of “Al-Qadeem” (i.e. “The Ancient”, by which they mean Allaah) which stands by the self (of Allaah).
Yet, they do not make what the person recites from the letters of the Qur’aan, to be the Speech of Allaah. And that is because they differentiate between the pronunciation and the meaning. So they said a correct statement (i.e. The Qur’aan is the Speech of Allaah); however, they carried it in a different way than what it (truly) means. So they were correct in one matter and they were mistaken in another matter.
And Shaykh Al-Albaanee in this matter also, he said a correct statement; which is “Eemaan is statements and actions,” however, he carried it in a different way than the people of truth since he differentiated between the actions and the statements. So he considered Al-Kufr Al-Akbaar all ‘Atiqaadee and that a person does not disbelieve due to an action. And the Kufr Al-Asgaar; it is all ‘Amilee (according to him) and this is false and a mistake in the Deen of Allaah Taa’alaa.
And the statements of Al-Albaanee, that action’s are a condition for the completeness (Shart Kamal) is from the false statements, which are refuted with hundreds or thousands of the texts of the Book of Allaah, Taa’alaa and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allaah (sallahu- alayhi wassalam) and from the words of the people of knowledge. And there have been entire books written about that from the earlier and the later generations and may they be revived. And Allaah is the one who makes things possible.
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