Monday, October 27, 2014

The Scholars AND the Orators

What is known from the Deen of Al Islam by necessity is that seeking knowledge is fard upon every Muslim. This seeking knowledge must be seeking the Shari’ah knowledge and must be from the anbiyaa’ (prophets) or from the juristic scholars after them. 

As the scholars are the inheritors of the prophets, the question will always be asked, who is the Faqeeh and the Aalim in the Deen? It is reported by Imam Ahmed on the authority of Ubadah ibn Saamit that the messenger (saws) said, “He is not one of us the one who does not respect the elders and is not kind and merciful to the young and who do not know the rights of the scholars.” 
The messenger (saws) in this Hadith clearly orders us to respect the ulemaa and not to prevent them from seeking their rights, such as the respect, to cover their mistakes and to prevent any harm from coming to them. In return, the role of the ulemaa – as they are the defenders of the Deen and the faith – is to protect the Deen, to preserve it’s divine text and concepts, preventing and pushing away any attempt to distort it’s milestones or suppress it’s guidance and they have a role to stand to speak the truth and challenge the falsehood without any compromise, to struggle against all evil, being concerned for the interests of the people and many other roles and duties. 

Those scholars throughout the history of the Muslim Ummah fulfilled the haqq (right) of Allah over them and the right of the knowledge upon them and also the right of the general public upon them. However nowadays, when we are so much needier than ever before for the scholars after the level of ignorance about Islam has become so widespread, it becomes essential to discover the true signs and attributes of the knowledge and scholars from the Qur’an and Sunnah and from the sayings of the Salaf. Particularly as those who claim to be scholars nowadays have become many and the measurement of the people and their judgement have been altered to a great extent until the word ‘Aalim’ has become like a joke or a toy or a slogan that has no definition and even the attribute of the Aalim has been taken away from those who are eligible for it.

Further, most of the people start to have a false measurement to measure people and judge their knowledge. A mistake that has become widespread among the Muslims is that they do not distinguish between the outspoken orators who have a very strong voice from the scholar. 

Due to the fact that the people explore only the platforms of the government preachers in the mosques or those conferences or seminars known for ‘intellectuals’ and the fact that instead for the people to be busy listening to the Shari’ah knowledge, they are now busy listening to the political analyses and the stories of the people. Now we see how their happiness increases and their joy prevails when they see and hear any loud voice or insult against other people, this spoils the taste of the people and makes them have a wrong measurement to judge things and actions, the people are diverted from deep studies and proper Shari’ah analyses and rather they start to attend the platform of those people who simply give very good quotes and very articulate paraphrases etc. 

Therefore, people of the platforms become different types, Firstly, those who are like the people of the grinder without any grain i.e. those who speak a lot without knowledge or action. These people, instead of pushing the people to the Qur’an and Sunnah and dazzling his Khutbah with the truth from the Qur’an and Sunnah, their Minbar becomes like a new newspaper, called the Minbar newspaper. We find that that Khateeb before he rises to the Minbar, he will choose a particular flashy news or any contemporary quote from any newspaper and comment on it and so he becomes very famous and very active when any crisis occurs on the Muslims or when he discovers any artificial conspiracy or rumours, then that week will become his happy week because he has found for himself some very rich substance for his speech in order to direct all the attention of the people towards him. These people are the most careful not to mention any Shari’ah rules rather they continue to speak in general making the people unable to account them or to complain about them and in the eyes of most of the people, they are the scholars. 

The second type of people of those platforms is those who are reactionary to the first type. When some of the Shari’ah students found that the taste of the people has been spoiled by the outspoken orators and found that the people have gone astray from the Deen and the Fiqh, they become shocked and push the people to take the opposite stance in every matter and to speak only about the individual Muslim, and that which he is ignorant about from the general Ahkaam of the Deen, they begin to speak about nothing but obeying the parents and the etiquettes of the Aqeeqah and the Bid’ah, how it is Bid’ah to fast the middle of Sha’baan and the Bid’ah of Milad un Nabi etc and again his people all believe that he is a scholar. 

Thirdly there are those whose main concern is only to speak about the purity of the soul and Sufism with some sessions of dhikr or nasheed. 

A further type of orator is those who are concerned with speaking about the need for the Muslims to be rationalists and to interpret Islam in a way “suitable for this time” and reconcile it with the western culture and values. 

After all this, the people become confused and become like a ball bouncing between this and that. All of these speakers avoid speaking about the divine rules that are essential for the Muslims to be aware about and they avoid speaking about any rules that could lead to the Muslims demanding from him to have a clear stance on the matters that affect everybody and has become part of their day-to-day life. 

It has become very rare to find any speaker speaking about the apostate rulers who implement the Kufr law nor those who speak about the obligation to declare jihad against them and against the global crusaders nor speaking about the Ahkaam of entering the parliament and participating with the Kufr regimes or the Ahkaam of joining the army or police of the current apostate and Kufr regimes, nor speaking about the Walaa’ and the Baraa’ nor about Al Kufr bil Tawagheet and carrying Da’wah to establish Allah’s Deen. 

Despite the fact that there are some people who speak a lot about the obligation to rule by Islam and that Islam is the only solution and the obligation to arbitrate to the Shari’ah, which they will speak about openly with a full mouth, yet on the other hand they enter on the people who rule by other than what Allah revealed and they say to the people that it is necessary to have Shura with them and they continue repeating that until he loses his voice and until they become part and parcel of the western society. 

Therefore, these false concepts have become an obstacle and the minds of the people have become shaken and the result is devastation until it has become very difficult to convince a common Muslim that ruling by other than what Allah revealed is Kufr or that replacing the Shari’ah with man-made law is Kufr and that alliance with the Kuffar is Kufr and apostasy because the public orators speak about it on national TV and satellite so emotionally. Even, you may start to find some of them speak against the rulers and dispraise them publicly and openly, yet behind the scenes he is in fact a supporter and helper of the Kuffar against Muslims. 

This type of scenario and others destroy the true feelings and values of the people and it negates their respect for those speakers and any other speaker because their confidence is shaken. The fundamental and essential problem is the disappearance of the Islamic concepts and rules from the hearts and minds of the people. 

In addition, some of these orators are still living in cuckoo land, believing that the biggest struggle is to speak about the fitnah of Khalq Al Qur’an and they imagine themselves to be in the time of that fitnah, or similarly with the fitnah between the Ash’aris, and so you find those orators even in Makkah in the time of the Gulf crisis when Allah (swt) designated the beloved one to Kuwait against the people of Kuwait and the crusader forces invade Kuwait in order to drive out the apostate forces and the people have been divided in a disgusting way that Allah never sent for it any evidence. The stance of the people of Al sham in general and in particular the people of Palestine and Jordan is that they supported Saddam Hussain and believed him to be a saviour and even compared him to Salahuddeen and even some claiming that they saw him on the moon, and on the other hand those people of the Arab peninsular and the Gulf, those who swore by the head of Bush as a matter of elevation and respect and Abu Bakr Al Jazaa’iri declared “May Allah reward USA with goodness” and the Kuffar from the American and English men became dearer in their hearts than the people of their own Deen. 

Moreover, you start to see some speakers from Makkah explaining the situation of the battle and they say “why are the people of al sham taking revenge or envying us? Is it because we are people of Tawheed? Or because we are the people of the correct Aqeedah?” In the minds of those people, the people of Al Sham are people of Bid’ah because they are Ash’aris and that they themselves are the people of truth because they are Salafi and Hanbali and therefore Saddam Hussain did not invade Kuwait nor did he prepare to invade the Arab peninsular except to destroy the Wahhabi movements in the area and to spread the Sufi Aqeedah. 

That is why you find some of them say in the majalis that he does not fear from Saddam Hussain “because he is Baathi, nor because he is a Jew nor because he is a terrorists spreading fasad in the earth but what I fear is that if he enters the Arab peninsular, then he will re-establish the graves and domes and establish the Bid’ah again in our homeland.” So you see how shallow and weak in the knowledge of the Deen are those so-called da’ees yet they think that they are the people of Tawheed. All the while they never noticed that their own king shared in the kufr of Saddam by ruling by man made laws and allying with the kuffar against Muslims. 

Dictated by honored Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad (may Allah hasten his release-Ameen!!!)

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