Thursday, September 25, 2014

Conditions of Rejecting Taghout !!!

There are 5 conditions of Kufr bit Taghout:

1-    To believe it is Batil
2-    To keep distance from Taghout
3-    To Declare animosity towards Taghout
4-    To Hate Taghout
5-    To declare Takfeer on Taghout

1-    You must believe that the taghout is falsehood
Allah said:
“That is because Allah – he is the truth, and what they invoke besides him, it is Batil. And verily, Allah – he is the most high, the most great.” [22: 62]
So if we say Shaytan is taghout, or UN is Taghout, then we must believe that it is batil - falsehood, and anything that comes out of it is also batil - falsehood.
We are not allowed to obey anyone except Allah, we obey the Messenger of Allah, only because of his messenger-ship. We do not obey him because he is an arab, or from banu Quraish, rather because he is the Messenger of Allah. In the same way, if we obey our parents, we do not do so just because they are our parents, we do so because Allah said to obey them, and we do so only IF they obey Allah, in this way we are still obeying Allah.
Allah said do not obey the Kafir. If we take the example of the UN, or of graves, or of George Bush or King Fahd, we must believe that all these tawagheet are batil.

2-    To keep away from it                                       Ijtinaab Al Taghout
We cannot say that we reject taghout, reject Shaytan, but we work for him as minister, we must keep distance from it. Allah said:
“And verily we have sent among every Ummah a Messenger (proclaiming): “Worship Allah (alone), and keep distance from Taghout.” Then of them were some whom Allah guided and of them were some upon whom the straying was justified. So travel through the land and see what was the end of those who denied.” [16: 36]
And Allah said:
“… So shun the abomination of idols (Taghout), and shun lying speech.” [22: 30]
There is a principle in Islam that,
“Whatever is different from Islam, it is kufr, and anything that reconciles with Islam is kufr.”
Because there is no such thing as reconciling with Islam. There is only Islam, and everything else is kufr and batil even if it agrees with Islam.

3-    To declare animosity towards it             Al ‘Adaawa lil Taghout
We are on the millah of Ibrahim (as), and Allah informed us about him, whenever Allah destroys the people after their corruption, He (swt) destroys all, leaving none but the believers. In the time of Ibrahim, in Makkah, there was nobody there but him. He taught us that we must hate Taghout and declare WAR on Taghout:
“Verily, for you is good example in Ibrahim and those with him, they said to the people at that time, we are free from you (have baraa’) and whatever you worship (or obey or follow) instead of Allah, we reject you, and between us and you is complete hatred and animosity until you worship Allah exclusively.” [60: 4]
This ayah has a similar ayah, where Allah says that “verily, in the Messenger of Allah we have a good example (‘uswa). Al Ta’assie is:
“To resemble his actions, the way he did them, and for the same purpose that he did them.”
Allah ordered us to have ta’assie to Ibrahim (as) as well as Muhammad (saws), we should say to the people in our time the same things that the prophets before us said to their people. In this ayah Allah made it clear that it was not only the Nabi (saws) that declared bara’ but all of the believers did so, so we cannot accept for people to have walaa with the tawagheet or the kuffar while Allah ordered all of us to the opposite. Baraa’ from taghout and shirk is not only for the Nabi (saws), but it is mandatory upon us also.

4-    To Hate Taghout                                              Al baghda
The Prophet (saws) said:
“The strongest knot of Imaan, is to love for the sake of Allah and hate for the sake of Allah.” [Bukhari & Muslim]
Allah taught us to hate taghout, the way Ibrahim and his companions hated taghout:
“Verily, in you is good example in Ibrahim and those with him, they said to the people at that time, we are free from you (have baraa’) and whatever you worship (or obey or follow) instead of Allah, we reject you, and between us and you is complete hatred and animosity until you worship Allah exclusively.” [60: 4]
Allah said:
“He said: “Do you see now that which you worship, you and your fathers before you? For they are enemies to me except the Lord of the Worlds” [26: 75-77]
The hatred is inside, it is not necessary nor a condition to show the hatred, so if your parents are kafir, you are not obliged to show them that you hate them.

5-    To declare takfeer on taghout              Takfeer Al Taghout
Allah taught us to reject and declare takfeer on taghout, the way Ibrahim and his companions did:
“Verily, in you is good example in Ibrahim and those with him, they said to the people at that time, we are free from you (have baraa’) and whatever you worship (or obey or follow) instead of Allah, we reject you, and between us and you is complete hatred and animosity until you worship Allah exclusively.” [60: 4]
You cannot say that you believe that the shaytaan is taghout, batil, that you keep distance from him. hate him and are enemy to him, but then claim that he is Muslim. rather you must make Takfeer on taghout, calling him Kafir.


  1. we are allowed to obey other than Allah- parents unless they tell
    you to do shirk. i advice you to repent i advice you to remove that statement

    1. Ummmm, we're sorry but we do not understand what you are trying to imply... Please read the entire Article thoroughly again Insha'Allah, as we think you might not have understood the Article clearly, as the whole Article is based on rejecting anyone be it even Parents that says or commands other than what Allah and His Messenger (saws) said, and similarly we obey our Parents because Allah has commanded us to obey our Parents... If our Parents tell us to Not Fast or to Not give Zakaat or to stop Praying, or tell us to Drink Alcohol, etc... These are all conditions on NOT obeying our Parents because the Article explains clearly No Obedience upon Falsehood, i.e. No Obedience to creation (people/parents) when there is Disobedience towards the Creator (Allah)... In short it's not just Shirk rather anything the Parents say that contradicts what Allah and His Messenger (saws) was sent with, then the Parents are NOT to be obeyed. Our Obedience towards our Parents must depend on our Obedience towards Allah.

      Insha'Allah please do read the following statement of the Article again as well:
      "We are not allowed to obey anyone except Allah, we obey the Messenger of Allah, only because of his messenger-ship. We do not obey him because he is an arab, or from banu Quraish, rather because he is the Messenger of Allah. In the same way, if we obey our parents, we do not do so just because they are our parents, we do so because Allah said to obey them, and we do so only IF they obey Allah, in this way we are still obeying Allah."

      And indeed Allah knows best!
