So if there is a person who’s calling to implement the sharia in his total, but he reject an issue of the Sharia that the Muslims agreed upon, and is known from Islam by necessity such a person is Kafir [disbeliver] and Murtad [apostate] so he will be known as Secularist “‘ilmaani“.
So for example if there is a person calls for implementing of the Sharia in the land, the economy, the politics, and in education but he says that the women and men are equal in heritage/inheritance, he becomes a Secularist and that is the Legitimate Ruling “al-Hukm Ash-Shar’i“, because he refused to implement a law of the Shari’ah Known From Islam by Necessity. So, this is the secularism through our terminology when we are talking.
The Ruling “Hukm” of secularism with this terminology is Kufr Akbar “Major Kufr” that will get a person out of the fold of Islam. Because they lie to [or lie about] Allah the Almighty and His messenger peace be upon him. It is joining Allah [in his Legislation] and He didn’t give the authority to do so, it is like some of the judgment is for Allah and other is for other than Allah.
But we need to make a distinction between “Al-Wasf” [specific] and “Ta’eeyn” [general]. So the difference when we say: “Secularism is so and so.” or: “The one who says so and so is Secular.” and between the saying: “Fulaan [that person] is a secularist.” So we need to distinguish because this person can talk out of “Djahl” [ignorance], or he may be tricked to say it, or that he took the words of a sinning person, while he didn’t know he was a sinner.
We also have to pay attention to an other matter and that is that some of the Muslims could do something out of slumber, or because of greed of material, or even with good intentions he could do some of the thing that the secularist want from him, or may do something that serve help them achieve their goals, so we can not call this person from among them [i.e. secularists]. However we should warn him of his work, and clarify this issue for him and he must be advised and we should help him get back to the true guidance.
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