Muadh Ibn Jabal (ra), who was praised by the Prophet of Allah (saws) for his excellence in Deen, said: "Verily, when the people of knowledge will be present before their Lord, the Mighty and Sublime, Mu’aadh (ra) will be one step ahead of them." [Saheeh - Ibn Sa`d, Aboo Nu`aim, at-Tabaraanee]
He (Muadh Ibn Jabal (ra)) described knowledge saying: "Knowledge is a comforting friend in times of loneliness, it is the best companion during travels, and it is the inner friend who speaks to you in your privacy. Knowledge is the discerning proof of what is right and what is wrong, and it is the positive force that will help you surmount the trials of comfort, as well as those of hardships. Knowledge is your most powerful sword against your enemy, and finally, it is your most dignifying raiment in the company of your close companions." [Reported by Aboo Nu`aim]
Seeking Knowledge is Obligatory.
As far as the knowledge of the Sharee’ah is
concerned, it is incumbent, since Allah has created jinn and mankind so that
they may worship and fear Him. As He declares it in His Book saying: “I
have not created jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” [51: 56]
And worship is not permissible except through
Islamic knowledge. He cited the obligation of acquiring knowledge in His Book
saying: “So ask the people of Knowledge if you don’t know” [16: 43]
He also pointed out this obligation [i.e. seeking
knowledge of Allah] prior to declaration of the Shahadah: “And know that
there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah then seek forgiveness for your
sins...” [47: 19]
The Messenger of Allah (saws) made this obligation
certain in his (saws) Sunnah, when he said: “The seeking of knowledge is
obligatory for every Muslim; and the conveying of knowledge to the
non-deserving is like putting necklaces of jewels, pearls and gold around the
necks of swine.”[Transmitted by Ibn Majah and Bayhaqi in Shu'ab al-Iman up to
the word "Muslim" saying: This is a hadith the text of which is quite
well known but the chain of transmission is weak. [At-Tirmidhi # 218]
Merits and Virtues of Knowledge
Merits and virtues of Knowledge vary depending on
the extent of one’s adherence to it (knowledge). Knowledge is a sign of
goodness, happiness and success. As the Prophet Muhammad (saws) is reported
to have said: "If Allah wants to favor someone, He grants him
comprehension (understanding) of this religion." [Sahih Bukhari vol.1 #
71, Tirmidhi and Musnad Ahmad]
The Prophet (saws) said: "The example of
guidance and knowledge with which, Allah has sent me is like abundant rain
falling on the earth, some of which was fertile soil, absorbed rain water and
brought forth vegetation and grass in abundance. (And) another portion of it
was hard and held the rainwater and Allah benefited the people with it and they
utilized it for drinking, making their animals drink from it and for irrigation
of the land for cultivation. (And) a portion of it was barren which, could
neither hold the water nor bring forth vegetation (then that land gave no
benefits). The first is the example of the person who comprehends Allah's
religion and gets benefit (from the knowledge), which Allah has revealed
through me (the Prophet) and learns and then teaches others. The last example
is that of a person who does not care for it and does not take Allah's guidance
revealed through me (He is like that barren land.)" [Sahih Al-Bukhari v.1
no.79. Narrated by Abu Musa]
Seeking Beneficial Knowledge and Refuge from the Knowledge that does not
One should ask Allah, the All Knowledgeable, for
Knowledge that is beneficial to him, as the Prophet of Allah (saws) is known to
be beseech Allah for the same, he (saws) used to say: "O Allah, grant
me benefit in what You have taught me, teach me what will benefit me, and
increase my knowledge. Praise be to Allah in all circumstances. I seek refuge
in Allah from the state of those who go to Hell." [Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah
transmitted it, Tirmidhi saying this is a tradition whose isnad is gharib]
One should also be aware of the knowledge that does
not benefit and beseech Allah and seek refuge form it, as was done by Prophet
Muhammad (saws).
On the authority of Zayd ibn Arqam (ra) that the
Messenger of Allah (saws) used to say: “O Allah I seek refuge in You from
knowledge which does not benefit, from a heart that does not feel humble, from
a soul that does not feel contended and from an invocation that is not
answered. [Muslim. Eng. Vol. 4, # 6568 and others.]
Trials take place when knowledge is sought for other than Action.
On the authority of Alee’ (ra) that he made mention
of trials at the end of time. Umar (ra) asked him: “When will that be O Alee’?”
He said: “When understanding of the Religion is sought for other purposes, and
knowledge is acquired for other than acting upon, and worldly gain is sought
with the actions of the Hereafter. [Reported by Abdar Razzak in his musannaf as
a statement of Alee’ Saheeh at-Targeeh wat-Tarheeh # 106]
Acting upon the Knowledge is Obligatory
While proceeding in knowledge, one should always be
aware of busying himself with the means [(i.e. gathering knowledge) for
knowledge is the tool of action] at the expense of goals [worship of Allah], so
much that the intend behind it become oblivious. Acting in accordance with the
knowledge should not be neglected. Before assembling more knowledge one should
first turn to the knowledge which has already been collected. One should spend
time doing things that, which has been made obligatory, before anything else.
For the fear that this might fall under the saying of Allah:
“The mutual rivalry for piling up of worldly things
diverts you.” [102: 1]
And the fact that the virtues and Merits of
Knowledge vary depending upon the adherence to it. So if the action is less
then the knowledge, the scholar’s knowledge is a burden upon him. Just as
wealth has no benefit unless it is spent, knowledge does not benefit except one
acts upon it and observes its obligations.
Abu Hurairah (ra) said: “ The example of knowledge
not acted upon is like the treasure, none of which, is spent in the way of
Allah, the Mighty and Majestic. “
Whoever speaks good things yet does not act
righteously; Allah does not accept his good speech. Whereas he who speaks good
things and works righteous acts, his speech is raised by his good deeds. That
is because Allah said: “To Him ascends the goodly word, and the righteous
actions raises it.” [35: 10]
Ibn Mas`ood, (ra) said: "True knowledge is not
measured in relationship to how much you memorize and then narrate, but rather,
true knowledge is an expression of piety [protecting oneself from what Allah
prohibited and acting upon what He mandated]. "Also, "Study and act
upon what you learn." [Related by Abu Na`eem]
The Punishment of not acting upon one’s knowledge.
Narrated Ibn al-Khattab (ra) that the Messenger of
Allah (saws) said: “Islam will dominate so that traders frequent the seas and
horses enter into the path of Allah. Then there will appear a people who will
recite the Qur’aan saying: “Who amongst us has memorized the most Qur’aan? Who
is most knowledgeable of us? Which one of us has the most understanding? Then
he asked the companions: “Is there any good in them?” They replied, “Allah and
His Messenger know best,” He said, “They are from you and from this Ummah and
they are from the fuel of the Fire.” [Reported by At-Tabaranee in Al-Awsat and
al-Bazaar, Saheeh at-Targeeh wa-Tarheeh # 131.]
Allah makes clear the destination of all created
beings. Their different ascending and descending ranks will only be in
accordance to their actions: "O you who believe! Why do you say that
which you do not do? Most hateful it is in the sight of Allah that you say that
which you do not do," [61: 2-3]
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