Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Effects of Iman and the manifestation of al-Walaa’ wal-Baraa’

Allah (SWT) says in the Qur’an:
“So know (understand) that La ilaaha illallah…” (47:19)
Allah ordered us to first learn about the meaning of La ilaaha illallah, and to believe, without doubt, that the Iman is guidance from Almighty Allah. Whosoever doubts that the Book of Allah guides the Muslim to the haq (truth) becomes a Kafir. Allah (SWT) says:
“This is the Book (the Qur’aan), whereof there is no doubt, a guidance to those who are Muttaqoon (God-fearing, i.e. Muslims).” (2:2)
Man is not needy for a person to guide him or for a scholar to guide him – guidance is from Allah. You may learn from a scholar, but you could be Kafir (disbeliever), Jahil (ignorant) or Daal (misguided). You could be a learned person, but also a liar, or Fasiq (sinner). Therefore, the scholar is not only one who is learned, he is one who is guided by Allah to the haq.
We know that there are many learned people around the world today working for the kufr (non-Islamic) regimes – we see them and we hear about them. There are many people learned in the West but they speak on behalf of the Kuffar (unbelievers) against the Muslims. This is all from weakness in understanding the meaning of La ilaaha illallah.

The ‘Aqeedah (Islamic creed) has an effect on the personality of a Muslim, whether daa’ie (propagator) or activist, and it is manifested in the following ways:

Believing in Allah entails declaring absolute obedience to Him and complete freedom from any slavery to anybody other than Allah. The essence of ‘uboodiyyah (worship) is to love Him and the Messenger (SAW), and this means the Mu’min (believer) must love what Allah loves, and hate what He hates.
Allah hates those who work for Taghout (false gods); therefore, you must hate them, even if they are the most learned people on Earth. If they work for pharaoh, the king or the president, you must hate them for the sake of Allah, and if you do not, then you do not hate what Allah hates. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:
“The most powerful knot of Iman is to love for the sake of Allah and hate for the sake of Allah.”
One of the signs that you love Allah and His Messenger is that you obey Him. How can a person rule by kufr law and claim to love Allah? And how can one say La ilaaha illallah and not reject Taghout? The haq (truth) is known (distinguished) from the batil. Allah (SWT) says:
“There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinguished from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Taaghout and (then) believes in Allah, he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold (i.e. the Kalimah) that will never break. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower.” (2:256)


1. Obedience to Allah and His Messenger
So the first sign and proof that you love and hate for the sake of Allah is that you obey Him and follow the Messenger Muhammad (SAW).

2. Showing hatred and animosity towards the Disbelievers
The second sign is to show hatred and animosity towards those who do not believe in Him, and those who desire to rule by other than what Allah has revealed.
Ibn Baa’ooraa’ was an individual who was given knowledge by Allah. However, although he was learned and knowledgeable, he died as a Mushrik (Kafir). [Refer to the Qur’an, 7:175]
Those who claim to be believers are liars if they do not show animosity to the enemies of Allah, and fight for His sake.
In fact, you cannot only hate those whom Allah hates – you need to chase them until they either become believers or live under the Sharia (i.e. become a citizen of the Islamic state). Allah says:
“It is He Who has sent His Messenger (SAW) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islam), to make it superior over all religions even though the Mushrikoon hate (it).” (9:33)
Which of the Sahabah had ijazah (authorization), certificates or PhDs? Which Tabi’ie (follower of the Sahabah) had ijazah or PhDs or degrees? None of them. They used to learn directly from the Qur’an and Sunnah and refer to the understanding of the Salaf, and if there was someone learned among them, he would prove that he was a scholar through his actions and by imitating the Prophets – commanding good, forbidding evil, confronting and exposing Taghout and working for the Deen of Allah. Therefore, those who are not doing the duties of the Anbiyaa’ (Prophets) are not ‘ulamaa, they are hulamaa (dreamers). The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:
“The ‘ulamaa are inheritors of the Prophets.”
3. Exclusive worship of Allah
The third sign that you love what Allah loves and hate what He hates is that you are free from any obedience to anyone other than Allah.
Those who are not totally obedient to Almighty Allah will be afflicted with tribulations, and they will be soft targets for the enemy. All the calamities we see today are caused by the people of desires – those who are slaves of the dollar and taghout (the rulers). When the enemy knows about them and are aware that they worship the dunya (material life), money and authority, they will offer all of this to them so they compromise and sell out Muslims. They will consequently obey whatever they say because they worship money and authority, and fear losing what they have. This is indeed the situation of the rulers today, and all their ministers, MPs and so-called learned people who are the bitaanah (inner garments and allies) of the Tawagheet (false gods who do not rule by what Allah has revealed).

The true believers, however, are those who reject to be under the authority of Taghout and man-made laws; and because they seek Jannah (which is greater than the seven heavens and the earth), the enemy cannot offer them anything equivalent to it, and therefore they cannot take allies from them.

Before a battle with the Romans, the believers wrote to Abu Bakr, informing him that the enemy were large in number, and requesting him to send more fighters. Hisham bin al-‘Aas said (to the Muslims), “If you know victory is from Allah, fight! If you think it is from the support of Abu Bakr, I’ll go to him on my horse. Tell me!” It is reported that the Believers said, “By Allah, Hisham left us speechless.” So the ameer stood and said, “Fight in the Name of Allah.” It was a huge battle, and even Hisham was killed, but Allah defeated the Romans. One man passed by Hisham’s body and said, “May Allah bless you. That is what you were seeking – to die in the way of Allah.”
For the Battle of Mu’tah, there were only 3,000 believers, against over 200,000 Romans and Arab Mushrikoon. They suggested writing to the Prophet (SAW) and informing him of their situation. However, Abdullah bin Rawahah rose for the occasion and gave a khutbah (speech), saying, “Oh people, what you hate (i.e. death) is what you should be seeking (martyrdom)! We do not fight people by numbers, power or strength – we fight with this Deen (Islam). Let us fight in the Name of Allah, either we will be victorious or gain martyrdom. The believers said, “Abdullah spoke the truth.”
This confidence in Allah is the fruit of believing in Him. It is what protected the Ummah in the past and gave them honour and dignity. If the Muslims go back to the right ‘Aqeedah and Tawheed they will never bother about their weaknesses, lack of technology or numbers.

In the beginning of the da’wah, the Muslims were attacked in Makkah; some were forced to immigrate to Abyssinia, and some remained and were tortured. Despite this, they never sought help from the Persians or Romans, the two superpowers of that time, even though they were so needy for it. This was because they never relied on any Kafir.
Even in Madinah, during the Battle of the Trench, the Jews and Hypocrites conspired from within Madinah and betrayed the Prophet. The believers were under siege and the people of Banu Qaynuqaa’ came with their forces, offering to help and fight with the Prophet against the Mushrikoon. The Prophet (SAW) asked them, “Who are those divisions?” They (the people) said, “They are the people of Qaynuqaa’.” “Will they embrace Islam?” replied the Prophet. “No,” they replied. The Prophet (SAW) then said, “Go back! I will never seek help from a Mushrik.”

Believing that Allah gives victory, and believing what He has is better than what the creation has will make the ‘Aqeedah of the Mu’min sacrifice everything. Moreover, he will never fear being killed or imprisoned, provided he takes the necessary precautions.

One may leave the da’wah field to go somewhere else to do da’wah, but he should not make his life and personal interests obstacles, or he is not being subservient to Allah.
Allah blessed this Ummah with many things, from the ni’mah (blessing) of Tawheed and the personality of the Messenger. Allah nurtured him with good character and morals, and He made him a practical example to follow.

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